

About moroccan shoot

Moroccan shoot is a service production company and was founded by the Dutch/Moroccan filmmaker Eussein Oukoums. We provide fullservice production for your films, commercials and photography. 

With a wide range of experience in the film and commercial industry in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Morocco we are now combining this experience to service all kinds of projects wanting to shoot in the beautiful Morocco. 

How it started

As a Dutch/Moroccan filmmaker i have experienced the communication difficulties during a shoot in Morocco with a servicecompany. it was obvious for me that there are some improvenments to be made in this proces. This actually inspired me to start servicing films and commercials wanting to shoot in Morocco. Most issues start with communication problems combined with lack of managing expectations.

Where two cultures come together to create, it is of importance to have a party that understands both cultures and manages the expectations. This is where Moroccanshoot filles the gap. Our team is multilangual and speak: Moroccan (darija, amazigh), Arabic, French, Dutch, English, German and most of our crew members have actually lived in these countries. We are ready to service you and your projects. Feel free to contact us for more information.


Talk to us
if you have some ideas

  • Videoland
professionalism, Stunning results!”
  • iTV
    “The production value was off the charts”
  • Concept Street
    “We had a smooth operation 
thanks to them”